
interface CurrentPortfolioSummary {
	 * Value of this position in the specified currency.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	total_value: string;
	 * Value of the overall unrealized P&L in the specified currency.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	total_unrealized_pnl: string;
	 * Value of the overall realized P&L in the specified currency.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	total_realized_pnl: string;
	/** Income object */
	income: CurrentIncome;
	/** Defi object */
	defi: DeFiSummary;
	 * Currency of the price, value, average_cost, unrealized_pnl, and total_realized_pnl. Default is USD.
	 * @maxLength 10
	currency: string;
	 * Method used to calculate cost basis. Can be FIFO, LIFO, or WAC. Default is FIFO.
	 * @maxLength 10
	cost_method: string;