Get Portfolio Balances + Performance

This endpoint returns portfolio-level financial metrics across both tokens held in your wallet(s) and active DeFi positions. Certain response fields will only pertain to wallet token holdings, and certain response fields will only be relevant to DeFi positions.

  • Position Type - Either “wallet” or “defi”. Wallet positions are token positions held directly in your wallet. DeFi positions are active positions helds in DeFi protocols.
  • Is_Debt - Refers to whether the token position is borrowed or not.
  • Cost Method - Refers to the cost accounting method used to calculate Realized P&L on token transaction activity.
  • DeFi Accrual - This refers to the LP token accrual, staking interest, lending interest or borrowing interest accrual (whichever is applicable to the specific DeFi position strategy)

Successful Query Example

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: <insert_api_key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Successful Response Example

{'wallet': '0x9c21a04468e028f9b7215392bbe5171f634bc76a',
 'type': 'wallet',
 'token': {'id': 'token_E9kiS7UnVaMwXV2zPNUAh4',
  'asset': {'id': 'asset_e4rbgKeqKaLktFiSUmEjHK',
   'name': 'Aave Arbitrum wstETH',
   'symbol': 'aArbwstETH',
   'slug': 'aave-arbitrum-wsteth',
   'is_debt': False},
  'token_id': '0x513c7e3a9c69ca3e22550ef58ac1c0088e918fff_42161',
  'address': '0x513c7e3a9c69ca3e22550ef58ac1c0088e918fff',
  'blockchain': 'blockchain_3pCy2g5sCSNk6MWGgvY2NP'},
 'balance': 0.545,
 'price': 1801.71,
 'value': 981.9319500000001,
 'average_cost': 2123.3462,
 'unrealized_pnl': -175.29172899999998,
 'total_realized_pnl': 0,
 'income': {'claimed_rewards': 0},
 'defi_strategy_name': None,
 'defi_strategy_category': None,
 'defi_strategy_address': None,
 'defi_protocol': None,
 'defi_principal': None,
 'defi_accrual': None,
 'cost_method': 'FIFO',
 'currency': 'USD'},
{'wallet': '0x9c21a04468e028f9b7215392bbe5171f634bc76a',
 'type': 'defi',
 'token': {'id': 'token_FJzFeBjeCghff2XVcQ3dtS',
  'asset': {'id': 'asset_XzioJ9KQH957EaAMghatfo',
   'name': 'Lido wstETH',
   'symbol': 'WSTETH',
   'slug': 'lido-finance-wsteth',
   'is_debt': False},
  'token_id': '0x7f39c581f595b53c5cb19bd0b3f8da6c935e2ca0_1',
  'address': '0x7f39c581f595b53c5cb19bd0b3f8da6c935e2ca0',
  'blockchain': 'blockchain_CXTQHpufgGtMwu8Lktv7Aw'},
 'balance': 0.2182,
 'price': 1877.8592305681782,
 'value': 409.7488841099765,
 'average_cost': None,
 'unrealized_pnl': None,
 'total_realized_pnl': None,
 'income': None,
 'defi_strategy_name': 'wstETH',
 'defi_strategy_category': 'stake',
 'defi_strategy_address': '0x7f39c581f595b53c5cb19bd0b3f8da6c935e2ca0',
 'defi_protocol': {'id': 'protocol_7AeTVqjts9Bw8Bd4y5sRPN',
  'name': 'Lido',
  'slug': 'lido',
  'image_url': ''},
 'defi_principal': 0.19101,
 'defi_accrual': 0.027189999999999992,
 'cost_method': None,
 'currency': 'USD'}
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!