Token Balances

getTokenBalances(params: WalletBalanceQuery)


Get Current Token Balance, Cost, and Performance data for one or more registered wallets, including Price, Balance, Value, Cost Basis, Realized PnL, and Unrealized PnL. Use this endpoint for real-time pricing and Live or Historical P&L reporting for tokens

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/balance/


paramsWalletBalanceQueryQuery parametersNo
interface WalletBalanceQuery {
	cost_method?: "FIFO" | "LIFO" | "WAC";
	currency?: "AVAX" | "ETH" | "MATIC" | "USD" | "XDAI";
	period?: "1YR" | "3M" | "D" | "M" | "MAX" | "W" | "YTD";
	wallet: string;


Interface: PaginatedTokenList

    wallet?: string;
    token: Token;
    balance?: string;
    price?: string;
    value?: string;
    average_cost?: string;
    unrealized_pnl?: string;
    total_realized_pnl?: string;
    income: CurrentIncome;
    currency?: string;
    cost_method: string;
    blockchain: Blockchain;
    timestamp: string;