Get DeFi Balances + Performance

This endpoint returns the DeFi Protocol name, Liquidity Pool/DeFi Strategy Name, Token Balance staked/lent/used in DeFi activities, and DeFi Position (like LP tokens received). It also returns the Principal balance (conceptually similar to cost basis) for the position and the LP Token or Interest Accrual earned over the lifetime of the position. Use this endpoint to track DeFi activities and performance.

  • DeFi Strategy object taxonomyΒ is as follows:
    • Strategy Name
    • Strategy Activity (Farm, Lend, Stake, LP, Borrow)
  • CurrencyΒ - Accounting data can be calculated and shown in the currency of your choice using theΒ currencyΒ parameter. Choose from US Dollar, ETH, MATIC, AVAX or xDAI.
  • Multiple Addresses:Β You may submit one or more wallet addresses in this query. For multiple wallet addresses, the response will return the DeFi datapoints outlined above by protocol and then by DeFi Strategy.
  • Is_Debt - Refers to whether the token position is borrowed or not.
  • Principal - Refers to the principal investment for the DeFi position (expressed in # of tokens)
  • Accrual - This refers to the Rewards/LP token income accrual or borrowing interest expense accrual in the native protocol token. For example, earning LOOKS rewards on the LooksRare protocol. Expressed in # of tokens.
  • Claimable Rewards - This refers to the Rewards income accrual or borrowing interest expense accrual in a token that is not the native protocol token (for example, earning rewards in the form of the underlying token asset in a LP pool). Expressed in # of tokens.
  • Supported Protocols:
    1. Aave v2
    2. Abracadabra
    3. Apecoin
    4. Aura Finance
    5. Balancer v1
    6. Balancer v2
    7. Bancor v3
    8. Compound
    9. Compound v3
    10. Convex
    11. Curve
    12. Eigenlayer
    13. Hop V1
    14. Lido
    15. LooksRare
    16. MakerDAO
    17. Maple
    18. Moonwell
    19. Morpho Blue
    20. Sushiswap Bentobox
    21. Sushiswap Kashi
    22. Stargate
    23. Synapse
    24. Synthetix
    25. Uniswap
    26. Uniswap v2
    27. Uniswap v3
    28. Verse
    29. Yearn
      Need a different protocol? Let us know atΒ
  • Unsupported Protocols: If your wallet includes protocol activity with protocols not supported by OpenPool, then these protocol balances and activities will not show up in the call response.

Successful Query Example

Single Wallet

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: <insert_api_key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Multiple Wallets

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: <insert_api_key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Successful Response Example

{'wallet': '0x9c21a04468e028f9b7215392bbe5171f634bc76a',
 'name': 'aArbwstETH',
 'category': 'lend',
 'address': '0x513c7E3a9c69cA3e22550eF58AC1C0088e918FFf',
 'protocol': {'id': 'protocol_VtgFGsRPU6FUAFMox3haDu',
  'name': 'Aave V3',
  'slug': 'aave-v3',
  'image_url': ''},
 'token': {'id': 'token_E9kiS7UnVaMwXV2zPNUAh4',
  'asset': {'id': 'asset_e4rbgKeqKaLktFiSUmEjHK',
   'name': 'Aave Arbitrum wstETH',
   'symbol': 'aArbwstETH',
   'slug': 'aave-arbitrum-wsteth',
   'is_debt': False},
  'token_id': '0x513c7e3a9c69ca3e22550ef58ac1c0088e918fff_42161',
  'address': '0x513c7e3a9c69ca3e22550ef58ac1c0088e918fff',
  'blockchain': 'blockchain_3pCy2g5sCSNk6MWGgvY2NP'},
 'balance': 0.545,
 'price': 1801.75,
 'value': 981.9537500000001,
 'principal': 0.54497906,
 'accrual': 2.094000000008034e-05,
 'claimable_rewards': None,
 'underlyings': {'token': {'id': 'token_2NfYnXT35waTKWMzsjotem',
   'asset': {'id': 'asset_XzioJ9KQH957EaAMghatfo',
    'name': 'Lido wstETH',
    'symbol': 'WSTETH',
    'slug': 'lido-finance-wsteth',
    'is_debt': False},
   'token_id': '0x5979d7b546e38e414f7e9822514be443a4800529_42161',
   'address': '0x5979d7b546e38e414f7e9822514be443a4800529',
   'blockchain': 'blockchain_3pCy2g5sCSNk6MWGgvY2NP'},
  'balance': 0.545,
  'price': 1877.8592305681782,
  'value': 1023.4332806596572},
 'currency': 'USD'}
{'wallet': '0x9c21a04468e028f9b7215392bbe5171f634bc76a',
 'name': 'LOOKS',
 'category': 'stake',
 'address': '0xf4d2888d29D722226FafA5d9B24F9164c092421E',
 'protocol': {'id': 'protocol_kRb2B8JnrahZMpiZvWJ6sS',
  'name': 'Looks Rare',
  'slug': 'looksrare',
  'image_url': ''},
 'token': {'id': 'token_6MhqnsnyY42fv9iep6AogR',
  'asset': {'id': 'asset_8vxRKbGMaJtG4gnuArVVqh',
   'name': 'LooksRare',
   'symbol': 'LOOKS',
   'slug': 'looksrare',
   'is_debt': False},
  'token_id': '0xf4d2888d29d722226fafa5d9b24f9164c092421e_1',
  'address': '0xf4d2888d29d722226fafa5d9b24f9164c092421e',
  'blockchain': 'blockchain_CXTQHpufgGtMwu8Lktv7Aw'},
 'balance': 1038.3295,
 'price': 0.06106007776223816,
 'value': 63.40048001282587,
 'principal': 500.0,
 'accrual': 538.3295,
 'claimable_rewards': {'token': {'id': 'token_UW735JfmdDJnWpXHG5Bnnj',
   'asset': {'id': 'asset_noo27eksxZ6UTB2Pn3QPQJ',
    'name': 'Wrapped Ethereum',
    'symbol': 'WETH',
    'slug': 'weth',
    'is_debt': False},
   'token_id': '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2_1',
   'address': '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
   'blockchain': 'blockchain_CXTQHpufgGtMwu8Lktv7Aw'},
  'balance': 0.2873,
  'price': 1649.3258542370816,
  'value': 473.8513179223135},
 'underlyings': None,
 'currency': 'USD'}
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!