Portfolio Summary

getPortfolioSummary(params: WalletPortfolioQuery)


This method returns summarized financial metrics across both your token holdings and DeFi activities, including Total Current Value, Unrealized P&L, Realized P&L, Cost Basis, Claimed Rewards, Claimable Rewards, and DeFi Accruals.

Note that responses are normalized to the currency you selected (default is USD).

  • Portfolio Summary Metrics - total_value and total_unrealized_pnl are across total token and DeFi positions.
  • Token Summary Metrics - total_realized_pnl and cost_method (refers to cost accounting method used to calculated Realized PnL) pertain to token holdings activity.
  • DeFi Position Metrics - total_claimed_rewards, total_principal, total_accrual, total_claimable_rewards, total_borrowing_interest, and total_lending_interest pertain to DeFi positions.
  • Total Principal - DeFi principal investment expressed in the reference currency selected. Default is USD.
  • Total Accrual - Calculated as Total Borrowing interest + Total Lending interest + Total Staking interest. If Total Accrual is negative, this indicates that on a net basis, interest owed on borrowing positions exceeds interest earned on lending and staking positions. Expressed in the reference currency selected. Default is USD.
  • Borrow - Represents total interest owed on all borrow positions (detractor from P&L). Expressed in the reference currency selected. Default is USD.
  • Lend - Represents total interest earned on all lending positions (additive to P&L). Expressed in the reference currency selected. Default is USD.
  • Stake - Represents total interest earned on all staking positions (additive to P&L). Expressed in the reference currency selected. Default is USD.

OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/portfolio_summary/


paramsWalletPortfolioQueryQuery parametersNo
interface WalletPortfolioQuery {
	cost_method?: "FIFO" | "LIFO" | "WAC";
	currency?: "AVAX" | "ETH" | "MATIC" | "USD" | "XDAI";
	wallet: string;


Interface: CurrentPortfolioSummary[]

    wallet: string;
    token: Token;
    balance: string;
    price: string;
    value: string;
    average_cost: string;
    unrealized_pnl: string;
    total_realized_pnl: string;
    income: CurrentIncome;
    defi_strategy_name: string;
    defi_strategy_category: string;
    defi_strategy_address: string;
    defi_protocol: string;
    defi_principal: string;
    defi_accrual: string;
    currency: string;
    cost_method: string;
    timestamp: string;