
interface Transaction {
	 * Unique identifier of the transaction
	 * @maxLength 100
	id?: string;
	 * Hash of the transation
	 * @maxLength 100
	hash?: string;
	 * Wallet involved in the transaction
	 * @maxLength 100
	wallet?: string;
	 * Date and time of the transaction
	 * @format date-time
	timestamp?: string;
	/** Block number of the transaction */
	block_number?: number;
	 * Fee paid for this transaction in the native blockchain currency
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	fee?: string;
	 * Category of the transaction. Can be one of: Receive, Send, Swap, Mint, Contract Execution
	 * @maxLength 100
	category?: string;
	 * Name of the function called in this transaction if availible
	 * @maxLength 100
	function?: string;
	/** Boolean indicating if the transaction was successful or not */
	is_error?: boolean;
	 * Counterparty of the transaction if availible
	 * @maxLength 100
	counterparty?: string;
	/** Blockchain object */
	blockchain: Blockchain;