
 interface DeFiBalance {
	 * Wallet involved in the transaction
	 * @maxLength 100
	wallet?: string;
	 * Date and time of the balance.
	 * @format date-time */
	timestamp: string;
	 * Name of the DeFi strategy.
	 * @maxLength 100
	name?: string | null;
	 * Category of the DeFi strategy.
	 * @maxLength 100
	category: string;
	 * Address of the DeFi strategy.
	 * @format	/**
	 * Category of the DeFi strategy
	 * @maxLength 100
	address: string;
	/** Protocol object */
	protocol: ProtocolGeneric;
	/** Token object */
	token: Token;
	 * Position balance of this token vested in this DeFi strategy
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	balance?: string;
	 * Price of this token in USD
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	price?: string;
	 * Value of this position in USD. Calculated as balance * price.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	value?: string;
	 * Principal invested in this token for this DeFi strategy.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	principal?: string;
	 * Accrual of this DeFi position.
	 * @format decimal
	 * @pattern ^-?\d{0,96}(?:\.\d{0,4})?$
	accrual?: string;
	/** Rewards object */
	claimable_rewards: Rewards;
	/** Underlyings object */
	underlyings: Underlyings;
	 * Currency of the price. Default is USD.
	 * @maxLength 10
	currency?: string;