Get Transfers

getTransfers(query: WalletTransferListQuery)


Get a list of all transfers related to the registered wallets.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/transfer/


queryWalletTransferListQueryQuery parameters for the requestNo
	counterparty_address?: string;
	counterparty_name?: string;
	page?: number;
	wallet: string;


Interface: PaginatedTransfersList

	count?: number;
	next?: string | null;
	previous?: string | null;
	results?: [{
               id?: string;
               tx_id?: string;
               hash?: string;
               wallet?: string;
               timestamp?: string;
               token: Token;
               nft: {
                      id?: string;
                      collection: {
                                     floor: [
                                                venue: {
                                                         id: number;
                                                         name: string;
                                                         image_url: string;
                                                floor: string;
                                                currency: string;
                                                timestamp: string;
                                     blockchain: {
                                                   id?: string;
                                                   chain_id?: number | null;
                                                   name: string;
                                                   slug?: string | null;
                                                   symbol?: string | null;
                                                   image_url?: string | null;
                                      address: string;
                                      name?: string | null;
                                      symbol?: string | null;
                                      description?: string | null;
                                      image_url?: string | null;
                                      opensea_status?: string | null;
                                      is_spam?: boolean;
                           token_id: string;
                           name?: string | null;
                           image?: string | null;
                           preview?: string | null;
                           thumbnail?: string | null;
                           original?: string | null;
                           animation_image?: string | null;
                           animation_original?: string | null;
                           description?: string | null;
                           external_url?: string | null;
             amount?: string;
             side?: string;
             price?: string;
             fee?: string;
             category?: string; 
             is_error?: boolean;
             raw_token: {
                             address?: string;
                             name?: string;
                             symbol?: string;
                             id?: number;
             counterparty?: string | null;